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2.4 - Promotion


Once a pilot has earned a certain number of hours, he or she may apply for promotion to a new aircraft ranking.   Each aircraft has two sub-ranks: First Officer (FO) and Captain (CAP).  In order to apply for promotion, a pilot must select what rank he or she wishes to promote to.  This can be done easily through the online pilot system, SystemOne Direct Access.  Once submitted, the number of points required for the new rank will be automatically subtracted from the pilot's account, and the promotion will be sent for staff review and approval.

Below is a breakdown of possible promotions, and the points required to attain the desired rank.

Promotion From Promotion To

Points Required

Eastern Express FO Eastern Express CAP 25
Eastern Express FO DC-9 FO 50
Eastern Express FO 727 FO 50
Eastern Express FO 757 FO 350
Eastern Express FO A300 FO 500
Eastern Express FO L-1011 FO 750
Eastern Express CAP DC-9 FO 25
Eastern Express CAP DC-9 CAP 50
Eastern Express CAP 727 FO 50
Eastern Express CAP 757 FO 225
Eastern Express CAP A300 FO 400
Eastern Express CAP L-1011 FO 500
DC-9 FO Express CAP 25
DC-9 FO DC-9 CAP 50
DC-9 FO 727 FO 50
DC-9 FO 757 FO 175
DC-9 FO A300 FO 325
DC-9 FO L-1011 FO 400
DC-9 CAP Express CAP 10
DC-9 CAP 727 FO 10
DC-9 CAP 727 CAP 50
DC-9 CAP 757 FO 75
DC-9 CAP A300 FO 175
DC-9 CAP L-1011 FO 325
727 FO Express CAP 10
727 FO 727 CAP 50
727 FO DC-9 FO 25
727 FO DC-9 CAP 50
727 FO 757 FO 50
727 FO A300 FO 175
727 FO L-1011 FO 250
727 CAP Express CAP 10
727 CAP DC-9 CAP 10
727 CAP 757 FO 25
727 CAP 757 CAP 50
727 CAP A300 CAP 125
727 CAP L-1011 FO 200
757 FO Express CAP 10
757 FO DC-9 CAP 10
757 FO 727 FO 15
757 FO 727 CAP 25
757 FO 757 CAP 50
757 FO A300 FO 125
757 FO L-1011 FO 200
757 CAP Express CAP 10
757 CAP DC-9 CAP 10
757 CAP 727 CAP 25
757 CAP A300 FO 50
757 CAP A300 CAP 175
757 CAP L-1011 FO 200
757 CAP DC-10 FO 325
A300 FO Express CAP 10
A300 FO DC-9 CAP 10
A300 FO 727 CAP 15
A300 FO 757 FO 25
A300 FO 757 CAP 50
A300 FO A300 CAP 50
A300 FO L-1011 FO 100
A300 FO DC-10 FO 400
A300 CAP Express CAP 10
A300 CAP DC-9 CAP 10
A300 CAP 727 CAP 10
A300 CAP 757 CAP 25
A300 CAP L-1011 FO 50
A300 CAP L-1011 CAP 100
A300 CAP DC-10 FO 300
L-1011 FO Express CAP 10
L-1011 FO DC-9 CAP 10
L-1011 FO 727 CAP 10
L-1011 FO 757 CAP 10
L-1011 FO A300 CAP 15
L-1011 FO L-1011 CAP 50
L-1011 FO DC-10 FO 200
L-1011 CAP Express CAP 10
L-1011 CAP DC-9 CAP 10
L-1011 CAP 727 CAP 10
L-1011 CAP 757 CAP 10
L-1011 CAP A300 CAP 15
L-1011 CAP DC-10 FO 100
L-1011 CAP DC-10 CAP 250
DC-10 FO Express CAP 10
DC-10 FO DC-9 CAP 10
DC-10 FO 727 CAP 10
DC-10 FO 757 CAP 10
DC-10 FO A300 CAP 10
DC-10 FO L-1011 CAP 25
DC-10 FO DC-10 CAP 150
DC-10 CAP Express CAP 10
DC-10 CAP DC-9 CAP 10
DC-10 CAP 727 CAP 10
DC-10 CAP 757 CAP 10
DC-10 CAP A300 CAP 10
DC-10 CAP L-1011 CAP 25
DC-10 CAP 747 Allowance 100



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